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Annual Holy Mass

The Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office (CPLO) held an annual Holy Mass for Catholic Members of Parliament and other Public Office -bearers Sunday, 17th February 2019, at the Holy Redeemer Parish in Katutura, with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF).

The Holy Mass which was attended by Dr Clemens von Doderer (HSF, Head of Country Office) and was directed by the Bishop who blessed the members of parliament and office-bearers before they commenced with their public duties for the year. After the official mass, a lunch took place through which the parishioners were able to socialise with one another in a less formal setting. The lunch commenced with an opening prayer by the Bishop who blessed the ceremonious meal and the members of parliament and office-bearers once more. 

The mandate of the CPLO is to promote dialogue, exchange of ideas, views and opinions between the Catholic Church in Namibia and the State. The CPLO provides a possibility for the Catholic Church (as a part of civil society) to contribute to debates on issues of public policy, to wield an influence for the common good in areas of political, economic and social concern, and to aid  legislative and policy developments.