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HSF Conducts Training with Tijmana Royal House

From the 9th to the 11th of February, a training seminar by the Hanns Seidel Foundation in partnership with the Tijmana Royal House took place at the Otjimanangombe Community Hall. The aim of the seminar was to provide training in understanding the importance of meetings and taking the minutes of meetings in an organisation, and also understanding the essence of good interpersonal relationships and communication skills.


The seminar was attended by forty participants, who enthusiastically engaged with the programme throughout the two days. Due to the participant’s keen interest in leadership and democracy, there were demonstrations, group discussions, ad-hoc discussions and presentations added to the programme in order to facilitate these interests.

The group discussions in particular along with subsequent brainstorming sessions ensured that participants where successfully able to recognise and understand the importance of meetings and minutes of meetings, two salient foundations of good governance and organisational efficiency.

Through practical case studies, an ability to understand the concepts of interpersonal relations and their applicability to structures was noticeable, particularly in their ability to mitigate conflicts and rifts that could emanate as a result of poor interpersonal skills.

The interest of participant’s was noted, and they had a strong desire to continue training and extend it to the whole community. Participant’s sense of ownership and eagerness to participate was evident, and they expressed their gratitude to HSF for the organising of the training and its fostering of such possibilities for the future.