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Hosted by HSF & FLI
Second training for CHANGE students

From the 22 to 24th of August 2016, the Financial Literacy Initiative, in collaboration with the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Namibia, held a training at the House of Democracy titled Financial Literacy Training for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to CHANGE group. The training, which is part of the national financial literacy campaign launched by the Ministry of Finance on 15 March 2012, sought to educate the general public, and SMEs in particular, on money matter.

Mr. Francois Brand, Manager of the FLI Secretariat

Mr. Francois Brand, Manager of the FLI Secretariat

“Be wise” was the main theme of the training, with the aim of training CHANGE’ students on becoming wise when it comes to taking charge of their financial goals and drawing up budgets for their start-ups. The training was carried out by Mrs. Kristi Nghikembwa-Sheenama, and sought to highlight the importance of financial literacy within a business context. It covered 13 modules which include: Introduction to Business, Costing and pricing, Financial Planning, Bookkeeping, Flow Projections, Namibia’s Financial Service Sector, Banking and the Impact of Your Business on the Economy.

Student expressing her gratitude to the hosting organisations

Student expressing her gratitude to the hosting organisations

CHANGE is one of HSF’s partners in Namibia, and it is a non-governmental organisation that supports the democratic concepts of rehabilitation and equal opportunity in Namibia. Through a combination of booklets and classroom-style worksheets, the workshop furthermore sought to create a sense of awareness about good and responsible practices for businesses.

On the 3rd day, Mr. Francois Brand, Manager of the FLI Secretariat, and Dr. Clemens von Doderer, Head of Office of HSF Namibia awarded certificates to students and encouraged them to take what they learned during the training and put into practice. The students also expressed their gratitude to the hosting partners and shared with the team on how they will use the skills they learned in starting up their business.